2022 Half-year check-in

Ken Tseng
4 min readJul 2, 2022


2022 Project post-it

Every beginning of the year, I set out a few projects I would like to work on. Some are more vaguely defined. Some are concrete plans behind it. I know I’m not a saint and actually just before writing this, I already know not all projects went according to plan. However, I think it’s still worth reviewing them and looking at what’s going great, what’s fine, what’s not, and what to change.

What’s great

(K-BBD (Bodybuilding), K-Travel, K-SPW MKT, K-Life, K-Connect)

In general, looking at these above, I do spend most of my time first half of the year on these and it aligns with my goal to have a better physique, have a better job, enjoy traveling a bit more, and enjoy my life in Nuremberg with my friends here.

The new training program I’ve taken on is not easy and I’ve got a virtual coach to push me harder and improve the quality of my training. It’s not been the easiest path and I’m not used to someone telling me what to do, especially when I also have an opinion about how I’d like to train but it also humbles me and makes me learn something new.

Work has been better since I’ve taken the new role. There’s also been some new learnings and challenges when it comes to new ways of working and the people to work with. However, in general, it’s more fun and I enjoy almost every moment of it, which it’s an amazing feeling.

Since 2022, it almost felt like there’s no more pandemic and life is finally going back to normal, as in a new normal that I never got to experience in Nuremberg, at Adidas, as a self-reliant adult. I’m still sometimes finding the perfect balance of traveling and enjoying life staying in Nuremberg. Nevertheless, overall, I think it couldn’t have been any better and I love every moment of it and appreciate I get to enjoy life so much.

I wish to keep going strong with these projects/aspects of my life and keep improving and overcoming challenges as they come my way.

What’s fine

(K-Medium, K-Read, K-Learn, K-Fitness)

What I clearly already realized is that these are the projects that I might have neglected or dedicated less of my time and energy to in the past half of the year.

I’m slightly behind the target of writing a medium post and reading a book a month. However, I know how busy I’ve been with traveling and working and I should give myself some slack to still keep up as much as I can. I enjoy these self-reflecting moments of writing and reading and I would love to be more mindful of spending time on these in the latter half of the year.

And fitness in general, I think has improved with my new training approach. However, it hasn’t always been in the green (referencing my WHOOP fitness tracker) as I had some moments of overtraining and exhausting trips. I think the goal for the latter half of the year is to find a better balance of going all out and listening to my body more and resting when needed.

It’s going fine and I’m fine with them. Just small tweaks and we’re good :)

What’s not

(K-PT (OPEX), K-Money)

Lastly, let’s be honest, I didn’t spend more than an hour working on completing the OPEX program in the past 6 months. I’ve been so demotivated from completing it. I’m usually not a procrastinator but this has been quite difficult to do as I didn’t dedicate any time on my weekends to do it. However, I think I should try my best to finish it this year regardless, so much work, time, and energy have gone into it and it’d been a waste to just let it go. So, open your laptop during the weekend, and let’s finish it!

As for my personal financing, with the new flat, new training program, more trips, and more socializing, I know it’s gonna take a hit even though I’ve got a new job. However, I’m grateful that I’ve saved up a bit during the pandemic and I should enjoy life when I’m young and full of energy. I had some life-awakening moments in the first half of the year when people around my age passed away just in a blink. Even though saving for the future is important, it’s such a reminder that we need to live our lives to the fullest and don’t leave regrets behind. Hence, I’m giving myself a pass on not doing my best at finances but this motivates me to work harder so that I can enjoy it more. Work hard, play harder!

Looking forward to looking back at this at the end of the year to see how I’ve pivoted since the middle of the year. Regardless, hope this also makes you, dear reader, want to have a little bit of self-reflection on how this year has been for you. Thank you and I promise I’ll post on time next month ; )



Ken Tseng

Occasional writer and Passionate reader about personal development, productivity, marketing, mental health, and LGBTQ+ sex and relationship