2024 H1 PS

Ken Tseng
4 min read6 days ago


Time flies we’re already at June 30, the halfway point of 2024. I do feel this year I was able to be more mindful of the projects and goals I set out at the beginning of the year. However, I also recognize recently some projects felt short of progress or even went backwards out of surprise. If you wouldn’t mind a bit of rambling, welcome to my own 2024 H1 PS (borrowing my work term of “Performance Standards”)

What’s going well

K-Deutscher, K-Fit, K-Health, K-Travels

One big goal this year is to prepare myself for the German citizenship. So far I’m pretty on track of my German language learning and also keeping on tabs of the news regarding the law and regulations. The second half of the year is when I would really need to start preparing the documents and submit them as soon as I’m eligible, after 5 years of living in Germany. But I definitely felt a fire under my ass after seeing the news that the CDU/CSU vowed to overturn the dual citizenship law if they were to return to power next autumn, which unfortunately is looking likely.

During the first half of the year, I’ve also been keeping up with my shoulder rehab exercises, continuing my journey on therapy and checking in with all kinds of doctors to be responsible for my own health and fitness. Really proud of myself for taking control of my life and learning the ways of the German public health system. I’m also glad that finally I’ve returned to some basic bodybuilding training and swimming. It’s not perfect yet but I’m glad there’s progress and more to be made.

Lastly, even without too much planning, I was able to go on quite a lot of trips, work and leisure. London, India, LA, Madrid, Seoul, Barcelona. I’m grateful for the opportunities and all the learnings I’ve got from these trips. I love travelling and I can already see a few more lining up for the second half of the year!

What’s got room to improve

K-Money, K-Learn, K-EN, K-Energy

With the travels and concerts happening this year, it’s inevitable that my spending are higher than I’ve planned. However, I was still able to make some savings and investments and luckily the investments are also doing pretty well. No need to be too frugal but I should be more mindful of my spending and watch out for areas where overspending has been happening.

With my learnings, it’s also quite similar. I’ve made good progress with my German courses but probably lagging behind on my readings and missed one Medium recap for April. It’s understandable when other priorities are taking the space but there are definitely small pieces of time I could spend learning than idling around. Keeping up the good habits and finding my rhythm to learning could be the solution to this.

Lastly, with K-EN and K-energy projects, thanks to the therapy sessions, they’ve been generally going really well. I’m able to slowly develop my confidence and get in touch with my feelings and needs better. However, there are still moments when I slip back to the old pattern and negative self-talk. It’s probably inevitable, but I’d like to learn to be better at recognising them and stopping them before they grow bigger. I think I also want to explore my sexual desires more and have more IRL meetings with people. Don’t forget you’re KEN and you got the Kenergy ;)

What’s needing more care

K-Career, K-NBG, K-Hobby, K-Connect

Recently, I’ve had good conversations with my boss and mentor. It’s been another year since I missed my shot at promotion. I had more learnings and experience from then and I felt I was ready to explore my options and propel my career further. Let’s put in some more work and get it done!

I’ve also realized I’ve travelled more than I expected and ended up not spending more time getting in touch with Nuremberg. I did start to mentally appreciate the place more and connect with new people that are active here but I think summer is the perfect time to really dive into all the good things in the neighborhood and connect with local people. I’m excited to be here not just to relax from my travels but also to enjoy my life here. The same could be said about my hobbies, let’s indulge a bit more and find like-minded people to do it together.

Lastly and probably the biggest revelation recently, I realized I’m out of touch with my friends. Not in the way of not connecting with them but not being able to spend more time with people who are also willing to invest in the friendship and not able to let go of people who are failing me. I’m experiencing a friendship break-up and it’s one of the hardest things to go through for someone who never had a romantic relationship breakup. I felt sad, angry, disappointed, confused. However, I think the best approach now is to take a break and let go. I’ve done all I could and it’s time for me to redirect my energy to people who really care about me. One door closes, another one opens. At least, I have Taylor Swift’s Tortured Poets Department to resort to. Thankfully.

Thanks to whoever is reading this and it means a lot that you care about my life too. Hope this inspires you to reassess your personal goals and plan for a better second half of the year. Tshüssi ;)



Ken Tseng

Occasional writer and Passionate reader about personal development, productivity, marketing, mental health, and LGBTQ+ sex and relationship