My favorite 5 Quotes for calmness and positivity

Ken Tseng
4 min readSep 5, 2021

Since the start of my first 30-day yoga challenge 5 months ago, I’ve really enjoyed not just the stretching and relaxing my body part of the practice, but also the part where it’s all about focusing on mental calmness and meditation The daily affirmation that comes with the yoga challenge also becomes something that carries me through the day and now feel like becoming part of my mottos. On top of that, I think I also have some great mottos that I got from friends and mentors. So today’s story is just about sharing these 5 that I really love and hope you’d like them and take them with you as well.

You are already healing

This is definitely one of my all-time favorites during the yoga challenge. I sometimes just overthink about little pain here and there on my body. Whether it’s the acid reflux that happens sometimes, the back pain from training, or random dizziness, I tend to overthink when I don’t feel well. And a really bad habit of mine was to look online and see if there’s a bigger disease or reason behind the symptom. However, it doesn’t help alleviate the situation but adds more anxiety to my mind and unnecessary stress. To be honest, it’s normal we don’t feel “AMAZING” and “PERFECT” every day and it’s totally okay. So I start telling myself “You’re already healing” and just trust your body in its ability to repair and recover. Make your mind work with your body in this healing process. It really helps. (However, if it’s something serious and takes too long, defo still visit a doctor ;)

You’re loved and supported

I think this is the one that’s definitely worth sharing and we all should realize how much we’re loved and supported than feeling pessimistic about life. It’s a great pick-me-up for myself but also for people around me. We sometimes forget how much love we received from our family and friends and only looking at the love we didn’t get from where we’re expecting from. This motto also helps with building a good self-confidence that you don’t need validation from other people. You’re loved and supported by the people who love and support you and you don’t need that from EVERYONE. And most importantly, quoting RuPaul “If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you’re gonna love somebody else!” CAN I GET AN AMEN UP IN HERE!

I have all the answers within me

I like this quote mostly because we tend to underestimate how smart, powerful, resourceful your inner self is. A lot of times the answer to your issue is not on google search, not from your boss, or not from your friend but within yourself. You can still do the search and consult people, but I think you need to dig deep inside yourself before asking for the answers. Have that internal conversation and question yourself. And this quote is also about trusting yourself. Have trust in yourself that you can handle the challenges and get to where you want to be.

You’re where exactly you need to be (for now)

It’s not like you’re gonna stay and not going to move anywhere in the future but more about trusting the process and how life brings opportunities in every way. You might not be happy about the city you live in but you needed it to know where you want to move next. You might not like your job but you’ll get to find out what you like and go for it. You might not be making the connections you’d like to but you know how much you need that connection. It’s just a necessary part of the life process to realize what you want and get your answers.

Everything is temporary

This is a new one I got from my mentor and I really like it. I have some issues with work recently that I’m not 100% content with what I’m contributing and working on and feel unsatisfied. However, my mentor told me this quote “Everything is temporary. You don’t have to worry too much. If something is wrong, voice it, try to solve it and in the end, it’s just going to be a temporary situation that you’d get through” I think this also applies further to everything in life. If things aren’t going well as expected, it’s okay cuz it’s just temporary. Living in a temporary mindset would alleviate the anxiety of losing happiness or agonizing the negative situation. Forever is just a combination of lots of temporary periods and you go through each temporary period in life to get to permanent. Embrace the uncertainty.

That’s it for this month’s Medium post. Hope you like it and maybe let me know what’s your favourite one or if you’d like to share one with me :) Until then, see you next month :)



Ken Tseng

Occasional writer and Passionate reader about personal development, productivity, marketing, mental health, and LGBTQ+ sex and relationship